
Oil analysis, diagnostics of oils, lubricants, fuels and cooling liquids

We carry out the service of testing the level of impurities and physicochemical properties of lubricants, fuels and cooling liquids. We offer a fast diagnostic service with a state-of-the-art lubricant testing package oriented to equipment diagnostics and maintenance issues.


industrial oil diagnostics

complete offer of oil and lubricant testing from any equipment and at any stage of operation

The origins of oil diagnostics date back to the 1940s. Already then, the need to know what processes occur in the oil system and how this affects the machine proved to be crucial for users. Bearing in mind how important the trouble-free operation of machinery and equipment is, and based on our experience of more than 25 years, we have prepared a complete offer covering oil and lubricant testing of any equipment, at any stage of operation.

Effective oil diagnostics requires monitoring a package of parameters that together present complete diagnostic information. The test ranges we offer are individually selected for the type of machine, the type of oil used, the operating conditions, the stage of operation or adequately to the temporary needs of the user. As a guideline, we use the standards in question, recommendations of machine manufacturers, operating documentation, and benefit from our many years of experience.

scope of service

testing for all groups of oils, lubricants and equipment types, including:

testing of parameters

– testing of physical and chemical parameters of fresh and used oils and lubricants

testing of contaminants

– testing of contaminants in used oils and lubricants


– diagnosing oil condition and service life

detecting the onset of wear

– detecting the onset of wear and diagnosing the technical condition of machinery and equipment

formulation of conclusions

– formulation of conclusions and recommendations to counteract degradation of oil and machinery and equipment

Analysis of oils and lubricants performed in our laboratory

See our offer

complete machine monitoring

A complete machine monitoring program based on oil analysis means access to reliable knowledge about:

  • the physical and chemical condition of the lubricant in the machine
  • level of contamination in the lubricating system
  • remaining service life of oil based on its real condition
  • the need to take corrective action
  • overhaul planning strategy
  • production planning strategy

benefits of regular diagnostics

cost control and reduced downtime

control of downtime and repair costs associated with improper lubrication

control of costs of purchase and disposal of lubricants

control of costs of purchase of spare parts and storage

control of production costs

control and supervision of production continuity security


turbine oil testing

laboratory testing of turbine oils

Turbine oils perform very important tasks from the point of view of heavy industry, especially the power industry – they are used in oil systems of steam and water turbines, where they act as a lubricant, as well as a hydraulic fluid in control systems. Turbine oils must be characterized by good anticorrosive and antioxidant properties, as well as having good deemulsification and air-separation capabilities.

By implementing a regular turbine oil diagnostic program, we can respond in a timely manner to changes in physicochemical parameters and contamination in the oil system, changing the oil change interval or using corrective measures such as additional filtration.

Oil diagnostics is an important element in a proactive approach to oil and lubricant service. By monitoring the condition of the oil and the condition of the machine itself, it reduces maintenance costs and minimizes the risk of unplanned turbine downtime due to degraded or contaminated oil.

name of the test



elemental content

determination of elements by ICP (Inductively Coupled Plasma) method

elemental content

determination of elements by RDE (Rotating Disc Electrode) method

PQ index

PQ index – measurement of particle content


determination of oil color

purity class

microscopic method

purity class

dilution method

kinematic viscosity at 40oC and 100oC capillary method

capillary method

kinematic viscosity at 40oC and 100oC capillary method

Stabinger method

acid number

determination of acid number of oil


hydraulic oil testing

testing of industrial hydraulic oils

Modern hydraulic systems are placing increasing demands on the quality of the oils in them.

By conducting a regular oil diagnostic program, we can respond to changes in physicochemical parameters and contamination in the oil system by changing the oil change interval or by applying corrective measures such as additional filtration.


gear oil testing

testing gear oils

Gear oils are subjected to operation under heavy loads and high temperatures. They can also be subject to contamination external dust and water, which has a negative effect on the behavior of their properties.

Gearboxes typically play a key role in the functioning of the entire system, hence the importance of ensuring the the best possible lubrication for these machines.

Our diagnostic program to monitor the condition of the oil of gearboxes to ensure reliability and the continuity of the production process, includes the following tests:

name of the test



kinematic viscosity

capillary method

kinematic viscosity

Stabinger method

water content

volumetric method (Karl Fischer)

water content

coulometric method (Karl Fischer)


RPVOT oxidation stability test (dry method)


oil analysis – check out the most frequently asked questions

  • The full list of studies can be found HERE. Each study is described in detail and also shown in a short video.


Learn more about testing services for oils, lubricants, fuels and coolants

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