
Training and workshops

Trainings, webinars, workshops. Reliable, prepared and conducted by professional-practitioners, adapted to current market requirements, based on the latest knowledge. All this Ecol guarantees as part of its training and consulting offer.

for whom?

trainings for specialists

Ecol trainings are held periodically and directed to specialists of the following departments: lubricant management, chemical, operation, diagnostics, maintenance, production and repair.

We also invite to participate those who make decisions on the purchase, selection, replacement and maintenance of lubricants in companies.

stationary trainings

Workshops can be both away and stationary, at Ecol’s headquarters, in Rybnik. Stationary classes include workshops at Ecol’s Oil Analysis Laboratory. In addition to stationary training, customers can take advantage of the offer of webinars and online training. During via Internet classes, participants take a virtual tour of the Ecol Oil Analysis Laboratory.

We also offer trainings prepared in accordance with the Customers’ requirements, at a convenient time, place and topic, prepared according to the Customer’s needs.

All training courses are conducted by practitioners with many years of experience. Proper selection of training staff and professionally prepared support materials, guarantee the highest level of the course.

scope of training

through our training courses you will learn:

  • • physicochemical and functional properties of oils
  • • methods and research standards for oils and lubricants (PN, ASTM, ISO)
  • • technologies for preparing new oil systems for operation
  • • technologies for revitalization of oil systems after long-term operation
  • • methods for protecting and caring for oils in operation
  • • fundamentals of lubrication technology
  • • problems of lubricants operation
  • • principles of sampling
  • • interpretations of diagnostic reports
  • • methods of performing basic tests (on-site)
  • • analyses and diagnoses – case studies

Contact us if you want to learn: how to reduce maintenance costs, what information is “stored” in the oil and how to diagnose it, or ways to prevent failures

get in touch

learn more about organizing training for your company

Ewelina Fojcik